Only 1 Week Away

Published by Ocean Conservancy

Time flies! In the blink of an eye summer came to an end and now kids are back to school. And, in only one week it’ll be time again for Ocean Conservancy’s annual International Coastal Cleanup. We have been very busy here getting ready—making sure there are enough bags, gloves and data card at locations around the globe.

Will you join us for this year’s Cleanup on Saturday, September 17?

All you have to do is visit our easy-to-use map and find a Cleanup near you!

And, this year we have a new way to track the trash that you collect on the beach. Our new mobile app, Clean Swell, is free and available to download on both iOS and Android systems. You can earn your own medals by tracking the trash you collect. The more trash you collect; the more badges you earn.

A great way to turn the tide on trash is to clean up your local beach, shoreline or park as part of this year’s Cleanup. Preventing the trash we find on beaches and shorelines from ever entering the ocean isn’t the only way of making our seas trash free. However, it’s an important step to protecting endangered animals that are threatened by marine debris.

Will you join us for this year’s Cleanup on Saturday, September 17?

Hope to “sea” you next week at a Cleanup near YOU.

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