President Trump rolls back progress made on crucial climate change policy

Published by the World Wildlife Fund

Today, President Donald Trump and his administration announced they would take measures to roll back crucial climate change policies, including the Clean Power Plan, a law which is widely considered the most significant action to address climate change ever taken by the U.S.   

This decision ignores the sweeping actions being taken by companies, states, cities, and communities across America that are already making progress to create a future powered by clean energy.

US carbon emissions from power plants are responsible for almost 40% of all US’ carbon emissions, and are a primary reason the US remains the largest, cumulative contributor to carbon pollution worldwide. The Clean Power Plan is also a key component of the US’ plan to deliver on the emissions reduction commitments that it pledged under the Paris Agreement.

WWF strongly urges President Trump and his administration to develop a clear and effective plan to meet our international commitments, protect the American people, and safeguard our economy and our communities from the growing threat of climate change.

“Rolling back US commitments to cut carbon pollution not only harms the futures of our children and grandchildren, it undercuts our ability to compete in the massive growth in demand for renewable energy around the world,” said WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts.

Leading nations—with the US at the forefront—have come together in recent years to face the threat of climate change and take advantage of opportunities to create millions of jobs needed for a renewable energy economy. In fact, more than 3.3 million Americans are employed in building low-carbon vehicles, cutting energy waste, and providing clean energy to communities here at home—more than all US jobs from fossil fuels combined.

America’s leading businesses support action on climate also. One thousand US companies are calling on the Trump administration to support low carbon policies and deliver on the promise of the Paris Agreement.

And so does the American public: recent polling from Yale University finds a majority of adults in every congressional district supports limiting carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal-fired power plants.

The US must continue to work to find lasting solutions rather than repeal existing US climate strategies without providing an effective replacement.

And we need to work together to prioritize our planet’s future—one that can provide the clean air, fresh water, and healthy forests that people, wildlife, and businesses need to thrive. 

Take action: Ask President Trump to prioritize our planet’s future

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