Domestic Manufacturing Is Focus of House Climate Hearing

We’re looking forward to today’s House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development hearing examining the role of domestic manufacturing in a clean energy future. Materials manufacturers are essential to achieving climate progress, as we provide components for a long list of energy-saving applications. Doing what we do requires a lot of energy. For example, the business of chemistry operates by creating complex chemical reactions requiring large amounts of process heat and power. Keeping energy and electricity affordable and reliable for U.S. manufacturers must be part of any national climate strategy.

Another key consideration is the fact that materials manufacturers compete globally. Climate policies simply must ensure the competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing. Otherwise, we could see our domestic production capacity shift to other nations – and with it, GHG emissions and jobs. That could lead to a weaker U.S. economy and higher net global emissions. No one wants that.

Facility Staff Wearing MasksU.S. manufacturers are researching and investing in exciting new processes and technologies to reduce emissions in their companies and facilities, but these efforts will be wasted if policymakers don’t look at the big picture.

ACC supports policies to promote innovation, encourage a diverse mix of energy and electricity sources, and improve the regulatory permitting process for energy and manufacturing projects.

We welcome recently introduced energy and climate legislation covering each of these areas, including:

  • H.R. 1761, CCUS Innovation Act (Rep. McKinley), which promotes the development of innovative carbon capture, utilization, and storage projects through the DOE loan guarantee program
  • H.R. 1788, Clean Energy Hydrogen Innovation Act (Rep. Pence), which promotes the development of innovative hydrogen energy projects through the DOE loan guarantee program
  • H.R. 575, Strengthening North American Energy Security (Rep. Mullin), which removes regulatory barriers to the permitting of cross-border pipelines and electricity transmission
  • H.R. 684, Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act (Rep. Armstrong), which authorizes the construction and operation of the Keystone XL pipeline
  • H.R. 751, Protecting American Energy Production Act (Rep. Duncan), which prohibits bans on hydraulic fracturing to preserve America’s energy independence and national security
  • H.R. 1616, Expanding Access to Clean Energy (Rep. Burgess), which streamlines the natural gas pipeline permitting process at FERC
  • H.R. 1588, Hydropower Clean Energy Future Act (Rep. Rodgers), which updates and strengthens the licensing process for renewable hydropower projects; and promotes innovation and next generation hydropower technologies that protect the environment and natural resources.
  • H.R. 245, New Source Review Permitting Improvement Act (Rep. Griffith), which provides regulatory certainty and encourages investment, particularly in emissions-reducing upgrades, by reforming the New Source Review (NSR) program for industrial facilities and power plants to clarify when facility upgrades require permits.
  • H.R. 1855, Promoting New Manufacturing Act (Rep. Scalise), which promotes new manufacturing in the United States by providing for greater transparency and timeliness in obtaining pre-construction permits under the Clean Air Act

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