National Nanotechnology Day: Celebrating the Science of Extremely Small Things Used in Many Critical Applications

National Nanotechnology Day provides a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness about a tiny science that enables incredible scientific advances that enrich our daily lives.

is nanotechnology, and how small is it?
is the study and manipulation of matter at incredibly small sizes. “Nano” means
a billionth of a meter. To put that in perspective, the tip of a ballpoint pen
is about 1 million nanometers wide. Hence, a nanometer is much smaller than the
human eye can see.

is nanotechnology important?
nanotechnology, scientists and engineers can create new materials, products and
devices, and technical advances that yield life-changing results. This
amazingly tiny science is at the forefront of some extraordinary innovations in
healthcare, technology, and building and construction.

are a few ways nanotechnology is changing our world in 2019:

  • Helping to prevent mosquito
     Diseases transmitted by
    mosquitos — malaria, dengue fever, zika, and others — are responsible for millions
    of deaths around the world every year. Brown University researchers have shown
    that lining fabric with the extremely strong nanomaterial graphene
    can block the signals mosquitos use to identify a blood meal, potentially
    enabling a new approach to helping to prevent mosquito bites.  
  • Locating cancerous tissue
    during surgery:
      Cancer treatment can
    have enormous physical, emotional, and financial consequences for patients
    and their families. Medical researchers are using nanotechnology to
    develop more targeted, less invasive tools for cancer detection and
    treatment. As one example, researchers from the National Institute of
    Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a medical tagging
    substance made of clusters of nanosized silver plates, each about 10,000 times
    thinner than a human hair. The nano-tags bind to cancerous cells, differentiating
    them from health cells. The hope is that the nano-tags will allow cancer
    surgeons to remove tumor tissue more efficiently and help doctors
    prescribe doses of anti-cancer medicines more precisely.
  • Clean water: The United Nations estimates that more than 800
    million people lack access to clean water. Australian researchers at RMIT
    University and University of New South Wales have designed a rapid
    nano-filter that they claim can clean dirty water
    over 100 times faster than current technology. The filter has been shown
    to remove lead and oil from water and has the potential to target other
    common contaminants.

for more ways to celebrate nanotechnology?

The National Nanotechnology Initiative plays a critical role in coordinating research,
investments and education efforts across the federal government. To celebrate
National Nanotechnology Day, the National Nanotechnology
Initiative and several schools, labs and organizations nationwide will be
holding events to commemorate the date, including a challenge to run a 100 Billion Nanometer Dash (equal to 100 meters) and a series of podcasts featuring
stories from the National Nanotechnology Initiative. A full list of events can
be found on the official NNI website and on the organization’s Twitter page, @NNInanonews.

Alongside these
efforts, the American Chemistry Council’s (ACC) Nanotechnology
 is at the forefront of guiding
the responsible development of nanotechnologies domestically and
internationally and providing a scientifically sound approach to nanotechnology

To learn more
about the Nanotechnology Panel or to inquire about joining the panel, contact
Jay West at

You can also follow @AmChemistry on
Twitter during our official nanotechnology Twitter takeover and retweet our
facts and graphics on nanotechnology.

The post National Nanotechnology Day: Celebrating the Science of Extremely Small Things Used in Many Critical Applications appeared first on American Chemistry Matters.
