This weekend, over 400 clean energy decision-makers and stakeholders, including generators, marketers, utility representatives, purchasers, policymakers, and regional stakeholders will all meet in San Francisco for the annual Renewable Energy Markets (REM) conference and help decide where renewable energy markets will go over the next year. Organized by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions and co-sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, REM has been the leading forum for the clean energy marketplace for over 20 years, and NRDC is proud to be a supporting organization. The conference attracts participants from around the globe who share an interest in and commitment to promoting clean energy and remains the only conference of its kind focusing on national and international markets for renewable energy. 

REM 2016 will be held October 16–18 in San Francisco. You can join the industry at REM 2016 and follow news from the conference on Twitter using hashtag #REM2016. Learn more at

About the Authors

Senior Advocate, Energy & Transportation and Food & Agriculture programs