President Trump announces intent to withdraw from Paris Agreement

Published by the World Wildlife Fund

Today the United States announced its intent to withdraw from the historic Paris Agreement, the world’s first truly global plan to address climate change.

“Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would undermine US credibility on the world stage while making it harder for our country, and the world, to reach a safer and more prosperous future,” said WWF President and CEO Carter Roberts.

Nearly 200 countries joined the Paris Agreement, demonstrating a collective willingness and urgency to tackle the global challenge of climate change. The pact requires all nations to pursue all efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C to stave off some of the worst impacts of a warming planet.

As the second-largest emitter of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, the United States cannot afford to step away from its commitments to cut carbon pollution and prepare communities for climate change’s impacts. Already, climate change is harming American communities, from severe storms and flooding to extreme heat events and droughts. People and wildlife around the world are feeling the effects, too. Without full commitment to the Paris Agreement, we risk an even more devastating reality.

American businesses both large and small back the Paris Agreement because they know investing in new clean energy technologies means American jobs and economic growth. Today over 3.3 million Americans are working in the clean energy economy – more than all the jobs in the fossil fuel industry combined. By actively engaging in the agreement’s implementation, the US will better position itself to capitalize on the economic opportunities associated with the global transition to a clean energy economy.

Today, global support for climate action could not be greater. National and local governments, businesses, and communities around the world are actively contributing to new low-carbon economies from the ground up. The US government’s continued participation in the Paris Agreement provides crucial momentum to meeting long-term global efforts to address climate change.

WWF urges the administration to reconsider its decision and instead stand with American businesses, mayors and governors supporting the Paris Agreement. 

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