This Earth Day, a global climate transformation is underway

Published by the World Wildlife Fund

Every year, Earth Day connects people across the US and the world through advocacy and action to protect our planet. And this year is particularly special: heads of state and foreign ministers from more than 120 countries will come together in New York to formally sign an agreement to act on climate. This will amplify to new levels the truly global and collective spirit behind the day we celebrate our planet.

Now more than ever, we have the political will to transform our global economy and secure a low carbon and climate-resilient future. Last December, when countries agreed that we must act on climate in Paris, we saw an unprecedented commitment to keep global warming to below 1.5 degrees.

But it can’t stop with a signature; it will take everyone—governments, cities, and businesses—to break down old barriers if we’re going to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.

Ambition and action go hand-in-hand. As countries begin to act on implementing their climate pledges, they’re setting in motion a new era of scaled-up actions to help us move out of fossil fuels and into renewables, and sending a signal that the world is moving toward a sustainable energy transition.

The US must continue to demonstrate international leadership as we put in place the policies and programs to meet the promises we made in Paris. It’s time to step up and fully implement the Clean Power Plan that limits carbon pollution from power plants, it’s time to lead on the fight to reduce emissions from international aviation, and it’s time to reject oil and gas exploration in America’s Arctic.

This Earth Day, the world has never been more ready to fully embrace a global climate transformation.

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